Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Being a Godly Mother in Today’s Generation

My heart has always been for women. It helps that I am one, but I believe that it’s more than that. God has placed within me a desire to see women of all ages fulfill their divine destiny no matter what their past; no matter what their present situations.

On Mother’s Day, I spoke a message called, “Being a Godly Mother in Today’s Generation.” I believe that the Lord had given me not only a message about parenting, but a charge to all moms to stand up and be bold about how God wants us to raise our kids. We can be encouraged in knowing that God is with us in our motherhood, and He has given us the ability and the grace to be excellent moms.

In today’s society, being a mother can be difficult. We can find ourselves feeling pressured to make decisions that are not cohesive with the Word of God. If we give in to those pressures, we can find ourselves questioning if what we’re doing will produce the end results that we’re looking for.

We are completely invested in our kids; financially, emotionally, spiritually; and we want to make sure that our kids will turn out okay. We have a desire for our children to ultimately follow Jesus whole-heartedly and fulfill the plan of God for their lives, but some of us wrestle with the questions, “Am I doing a good job?” or “Am I teaching them the right things?” For any moment of insecurity, the best remedy is the Word of God. 

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 in the Amplified version says,  “Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily. 5 It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong]. 6 It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail. 7 Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]. 8 Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end]. As for prophecy (the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose), it will be fulfilled and pass away; as for tongues, they will be destroyed and cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away [it will lose its value and be superseded by truth]. 

In response to loving our kids, Proverbs 31:28 in the Amplified version says, “Her children rise up and call her blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied);”. 

Jesus taught His disciples about love. God is love and Jesus was our example of who the Father is. Loving our children the way the Bible says to love is how God loves us. His very nature is shed abroad in our hearts when we become born again which means that we have the ability to love as He loves. 

The level of respect and love that our kids show us in return is a clear indication of whether or not we are truly loving them. Our children are learning what they see from us and if they see God’s love, they will love in return.

Our children know when they are being loved, but as moms, we need understand that love is not always giving sweets, buying toys, or running all over creation just appease their desires. It’s not even giving in to the temper tantrums or the constant begging that might be driving us crazy. 

Love disciplines and Love comforts. Love heals and Love corrects. There is a balance between being understanding and creating a standard of holiness in our homes. With the Holy Spirit’s help and the direction of the Word, we can find that balance and raise our children according to God’s will.

We need to stop comparing ourselves to the other moms in our circles and solely compare ourselves to Jesus. Christ is the One who set us in charge of our little ones and He is the One that we are accountable to. In the end it is Love that NEVER fails.

Living a life of worship

Worship has so many facets. It is part of our being as believers and it is at the core of everything we do for God. When I think about worship, I think about the word surrender. An absolute relinquishing of our abilities and completely embracing Him as our refuge and our hope. 

Paul said in Romans 12:1 that our spiritual service of worship is to present our bodies a living sacrifice to God. “Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.”

Worship isn’t always about the music, but about the heart. It’s a heart condition that is in a constant state of consecration to the Lord. As we live a life of worship, we lift up a fragrance that is pleasing to the Lord and what a wonderful privilege that is!

Knowing that we are walking around sending a fragrance up to Heaven that God is pleased with is pretty amazing. Being aware that He is with us always and that He enjoys fellowship with us is really comforting. Realizing that I can talk with my Heavenly Father and sing to Him anywhere I am at any time of day makes me see that worship is not just about being at church or being on stage. Worship is part of my relationship with the Lord.

Through Jesus, we have gained access to the presence of God and by Jesus’ blood, we are in made to be in right standing with Him. When the veil was torn in the temple while Jesus hung on the cross, God made it possible for us to enter into communion with Him as His children and not just as servants of the Lord. In other words, by consecrating ourselves to Him, we maintain the heart of a servant, but because of the sacrifice of Jesus, we have been adopted into the family of God and now we can call Him Father. 

It is my ultimate goal in life to please my Father in Heaven. It is He who created me, it is He who designed a way for me to receive salvation, it is He who gave His Son for me, it is He who provided all that I need, it is He who sought after me and redeemed me. The least I can give to Him is my heart, my life, and all that I have for His purpose.

All to Jesus,
Pastor Rachel Clements

Worship Leader

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Bakery Day!

Today marks a NEW baked items in the pantry day! If you haven't already checked out my Nic-Nac Corner, I encourage you to do so. I hand craft wooden letters for home or office decor, and I can create anything you can dream up! Whether it be initials, words, or phrases, I can put it together. 

Here recently, I opened a bakery along side my lettering business. My business dream is to one day open a market that includes a knick knack store, a farmer's stand, a cafe, and a seasonal barn. The cafe would include a pantry full of baked goods, including cakes, pies, donuts, and cupcakes. 

This bakery that I opened, is literally out of my kitchen at home for now, but I love to bake and I love to share from food. I named it "Abigail's Bakery" because my oldest daughter Abby loves to help me in the kitchen. She and I are like pie and ice-cream, and my desire is to include my family in this business venture as much as possible. 

Last month, I sold Lemon Zucchini Bread as my very first item and it was a hit! Of course, I love using in-season produce and seasonal flavors, so this recipe is no longer available until next July. However, I would like to introduce two new items for the month of August!!

Strawberry Banana Bread and Blueberry Muffin Cake! Don't they sound scrumptious? I am really excited about the future with my bakery and I would love for you to get in on the fun!!

I am currently updating my website by adding a pantry shop, but you can place an order for the bread or cake by stopping by my Facebook page.

All you have to do is message me and let me know what you would like. I am also updating my payment options, but in the mean time, I will be able to send you an invoice via Paypal for your order.

While you're browsing my page and also my website, feel free to look at my work with wooden letters. I would love to create a design for you!!

WHAT'S TO COME -- already designed, ready to hang wooden letters!! Just choose what letters you want and we'll ship them to you or have them ready for you to pick up!

*Comment below if you have used my services or have purchased anything from the bakery!

**If you would like to subscribe to my monthly newsletter, type the word SUBSCRIBE below! I'll be sharing stories, including blogs, and updating you on new improvements to Rachel's Nic-Nac Corner!

~ Be blessed today!!

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Being a Godly Mother in Today’s Generation

My heart has always been for women. It helps that I am one, but I believe that it’s more than that. God has placed within me a desire to ...