Thursday, July 6, 2017

Rachel's Nic-Nac Corner

Last year, I discovered Chip and Joanna Gaines. I will have to be honest, I absolutely love them! I love what they do, what they stand for, and what they believe. I also love the fact that Joanna does almost everything that I have always wanted to do!

For a while now, I have had the idea of beginning a road side lunch spot that sells fresh picked veggies and fruit, baked goods, flowers, and lunches and snacks. I have wanted to turn that into a cafe with a store of knick knacks and a barn that opens seasonally for the holidays. 

I started a small business through Facebook called Rachel's Nic-Nac Corner with the intention of heading down that path. I began with custom designed hand painted letters which worked for a while, but then I had a couple of kids and the idea went on the shelf for a little while. 

Just recently with Fixer Upper on TV, did the idea come back to life in my mind. I started to really market my service and got a few orders. Overall, I designed six names for different customers. I was really excited!!

I wanted to venture out and start parties, but because of other responsibilities, I was unable to dedicate time to it. Although, it's still an idea for the future. I am now going to make already designed letters that people can pick from with different designs and colors so that I can have a back stock of letters and I can sell them immediately. 

I am also looking to sell wreaths and Christmas tree services, but I have to take one step at a time. Right now, I have just opened another wing of my Nic-Nac Corner that is the Bakery. I began just this week by selling Lemon Zucchini Bread. I sold two already, invoiced for another, and have a few orders on hold. 

I am so excited about the idea of all of this because I know that not only does it entail me doing what I love, but it also brings joy to others, and supports good things. The proceeds go to missions, local churches, and other outreaches that minister the gospel around the world. 

If you are interested in finding out more about my services, products or organizations that I support, go to my facebook page

You'll be able to also order anything that you see. If you have any questions, feel free to message me!!

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