All of a sudden, it's like I begin to smell cinnamon, feel a chill in the hear, and hear the crunch of autumn leaves. Then I get a thrill of excitement with the thought of the holidays right behind that!
Why am I thinking, and always have been, about Christmas, Thanksgiving, and school in the middle of July?! I don't know if it's just my instinct to plan ahead, but I cannot help but embrace the ride when it comes through my mind.
When I was a child, I looked forward to school. I couldn't wait to get supplies and new clothes, and then find out who my new teacher would be and what class my friends were. I counted down the days when August hit until the first day of school.
Today, I look forward to the school year of course a little differently since my kids are going into 3rd and 1st grade. Buying clothes and supplies is still fun, but the kids are the ones that enjoy it the most.
Preferably, I would love to be homeschool again. However, as much as I love to teach, having their education on my shoulders isn't necessarily something I want to commit to whole heartedly. I feel that I am too much of a business and task oriented kind of person that having to be strapped to their side would be too much.
Yet, here recently, some upgrades have been incorporated to the homeschool program that I grew up with called Abeka. It would allow the kids to do their school work in front of dvds or stream so that I would not have to do the teaching, but I would be grading their work and making sure they get it done.
That might be fun! However, when I think about school, I begin to think about fall. Apples, pumpkins, turkey, leaves, cooler and darker days, sweaters, and fires. I just love the fall!!

Of course, it makes me think of decorating my house and baking all season. And then when Harvest comes around, I love taking the kids to corn mazes and rides on hay wagons. It's the seasonal traditions, I think, that make me look forward to this time of year.
Afterwards, is Thanksgiving and then Christmas. This always causes me to go in to a spiral because ever year, just about, I want to be the one that cooks the entire Thanksgiving meal and I want everyone to come over to our house. Yeah right!
My over achievements sometimes make me bite on to more than I can chew, but it's the heart behind why that I romanticize about. I love people, I love to serve, and I love food!! What a better holiday to express all of those things!
Though I am getting ahead of myself in that regard; you can always plan a meal; it makes me think that I need to start planning for Christmas! What do I want to get my family? My husband? My kids? What crafts or activities do I want to do? Where should we go to see Christmas attractions during the season?

These are the thoughts the race through my brain as we approach the school year. Ha ha ha. At this moment, I work full-time, so trying to fit in the special breakfasts, movies, hot cocoa, gingerbread house tour, tends to be a little exhausted (go figure). Not to mention wrapping and shipping, shopping and visiting, planning adult parties and attending classroom parties.
December, I would have to say, is one of two most busy months on my calendar. However, no matter how tired I am at the end of the season; No matter how quickly Christmas arrives; I leave the Christmas season warmed and filled with memories and love.
The new school year always begins with good intentions of packing lunches, laying out clothes, pre planning weekends of fun, and holiday details, but this year needs to have a new attitude from me, I believe.
This year, teaching the kids how to pack their own lunches and lay out their own clothes. Planning less and enjoying the spontaneous moments more. Keeping Christmas simple and taking off more from work in order to slow down and enjoy the kids who are growing up way.....too.....fast.
I encourage you and myself to feel the warmth of summer and soak up every second of freedom from the school rush for right now. But when the school year begins, remember that when you watch your children climb onto the bus or walk into the school, that whether you're as involved in their life as much as you would like or not, God's hand is available to be placed on them while you're away.

Wait in anticipation for the temperature to shift and let the autumn beauty consume you while you watch your children develop more and more into the person God created them to be. And as we approach the sports and holiday seasons, remember that doing what our neighbors do may not always be the best. Sometimes, less is more.
Strategically ask the Lord for His guidance and direction even when it comes to extra curricular activities and Christmas presents. He has a way of leading us to being wise with our time, energy, and money.
I love this life and all the beauty that it has to offer. Kiss your spouse. Hug your kids. Praise the Lord. Breathe deep. Dance. Sing. Laugh. Give. This life is ours to live for Him. Make it everything you and He dream for it to be!