Thursday, July 6, 2017

Health Journey Day 4

Okay, so my intentions with this blog was to write an entry every day. Ha ha ha, well you know how that works out when you're working full time and you have a family as well as other responsibilities. 

However, I do want to post maybe at least once a week. I began the 21 day fix again on Monday, and that is something that I would like to post about today.

I've done the 3 week program now about 1 - 2 times already, but not consecutively. This time, I intend to see it through. First of all, the workouts are only 30 minutes long, and though you can't cheat your way to losing weight or defining muscle, they are only long enough to do some damage, but short enough to feel like you didn't really spend too much time out of your day. 

Second of all, the food is great. The last couple times I did the 21 day fix, I used their Shakeology, which is amazing by the way, but I didn't want to spend the money this time. However, I found that protein, fat-free greek yogurt is a perfect substitute!

I eat lean proteins, healthy carbs, lots of veggies and fruit, plenty of water, and a taste of fats and oils. Just enough to say that I can have what I love without over doing it. The program is laid out for you, it just takes commitment to show up to the "gym" and dedication to cook and pack your food. 

I have always wanted to be healthy, but I have come to the realization that it is not just going to happen. Of course that's true, but coming to terms with that is understanding that you have been doing it the easy way up until this point. That's why you feel the way you do and look the way you do. If you don't like it then you're going to have to change the way you have been doing things. 

So, I am on day four. I have worked out for 2 days so far, planning on working out today, but couldn't yesterday because of time and responsibilities. I ate right though the last three days and I am eating right today. 

I already have had the temptations of eating whatever I feel like eating, but of course that's not going to get me the results I want. I am only looking to do it for the three weeks to see where I end up, and then take it from there. It's not easy, but with God's help I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. 

I will keep you updated on the results. 

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