What we pick up with our senses and what the Bible says about our situations are not always going to match. Especially when there is an attack. That's why Hebrews says, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
When we approach God according to our trust in what we "see" then we are not taking God at His Word. We are not fully persuaded in what He has already done on the cross. We are actually magnifying the situation above God's love for us, His complete provision and His power to intervene.
But when we come boldly into His presence and speak in faith declaring the Word of God over our situation, those things that don't line up with God's will for our lives will begin to change. Faith initiates change, and understanding His love for us helps us to realize that if He wants heaven on earth for us, then how can we belittle what Jesus has done for us by allowing brokenness to settle in?
He is the ALL SUFFICIENT ONE. Not the maybe, might, half-way, watered down, if He feels like, I might have to help Him, respecter of persons kind of god. He is an all consuming Fire that has taken our fallen state as sinners and brought us up to sit with Him in heavenly places as Kings and Priests. Just as royalty would only have the best, GOD PROVIDED FOR YOU AND ME TO HAVE ONLY THE BEST -- IN THIS WORLD NOT JUST THE ONE TO COME.
A blog about real life, real love, and a real God. To explore the world around us, enjoy the people close to us, and grow more aware and more in love with the One who created it all.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
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