Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Have you ever felt inadequate? Have you ever felt that your best was not good enough? Well, I would have to say that in the last couple of weeks, that is how I have felt. However, if I went by how I felt, I would never accomplish anything. 

As a mom, my intentions begin on a good note. I tell myself to be more patient, understanding, calm; but something always happens to get me irritated and then before I know it, I'm raising my voice and sending the kids to bed earlier than planned just so I can get them out of my hair. 

As a wife, my intentions begin on a good note as well. I plan to spend time with my husband, being kind and affectionate; but something might happen that changes my plans. He might have to step out that evening or chores might have to be done instead because we didn't have time during the weekend. 

As a believer, my intentions begin on a good note. I plan to spend time with Jesus first thing in the morning, keep the Word in front of me, listen to worship music and pray during the day. Then I realize that we have no food in the house and I have to run before I go to work, just to have enough time to get to work on time. 

Errands, house work, responsibilities.....all screaming to get my attention while I struggle to juggle all of my hopes, dreams, ambitions, and desires. Ultimately, my heart is to love my Savior more than yesterday, serve my husband better than yesterday, pour into my kids more than yesterday, do a better job at work than yesterday, and do more in ministry than yesterday. But let's just face it, we are all human and doing all of this in our own strength just plain wears us out!

That is why the Shepard invites us to sit in His pasture and drink from His streams. It is tempting to be Martha in our "doing". Especially us ladies. We see every problem as an invitation to help when not everything requires our personal attention. We can be good at creating problems in our minds that aren't really that big of a deal. 

However, choosing a life in the Spirit rather than a life in the flesh, we find a place that we can rest. We can cast our care on the Lord in all of the areas of our lives, whether we're concerned about something or not. We can draw from the well a refreshing drink of abundant life. We can rise above issues and fear because He has raised us up. 

Even in our natural responsibilities and relationships, Jesus has the wisdom that we need to do it right. So, when things get a little hairy and don't work out right; or when it just doesn't make sense, choosing Spirit over flesh will always bring the reward. 

You might be asking, "well, what does that even mean?" I'll tell you. When you "feel" inadequate remember Who's you are. When you need rest, remember where to draw your strength. Choosing to respond in love rather than in exasperation is choosing to draw from your spirit man rather than your natural man. God is in you if you are born again, and your spirit is where He will communicate and restore you. 

That restoration will affect your soul and bring peace to your mind, a song to your heart and strength to your body. Believe me, I am encouraging myself in saying this. Mary, Martha's sister, learned something that I have to remind myself to do every day. When Jesus was in her house teaching, she took time to stop everything else and sit at His feet to listen. 

If we will learn to keep our Spirit man sensitive to the things of the Spirit, and keep our minds renewed in the Word of God, we will have a foundation that will sustain us even when things don't go as planned. 

The best illustration for this is watching a dry sponge soak up water. When you place it in a dish, that sponge will soak up as much water as it can hold, until someone squeezes it. Then the water the sponge soaked up, will automatically come pouring out. 

It's the same way with us. If we continue to live in a carnal state that stays more aware of our flesh and outside situations, we will run aground and become dry and frustrated. But if we will choose the Spirit, feasting on His Word every chance we get, spending time in His presence and being obedient to His Word, we will have a flood of refreshing water that will cleanse and thrust us forward to accomplishing much for the Lord in our families and communities. 

Kids, work, life will all try to withdraw out of your bank until you have an enormous deficit. Keeping Christ in the center of your heart, will remind us of our identity, our ability, and our position. Don't let life run you over. Triumph over it all and enjoy every day that you have on this earth. 

Heaven is now.

So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. Romans 8:6

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