Thursday, June 29, 2017

Health Journey

All my life, I have had an interest of being skinny. I was never extremely heavy, but my idea of beautiful was not what stared at me in the mirror when I was young. I always saw the girls in my grade as more attractive, and even friends that I hung out with I felt were much more pretty than I. 

It wasn't until I was pursued by my husband that all of the lies in my head subsided, but even then, the temptation of comparison was always lingering around. I felt that my hair wasn't as nice, or my measurements were right, or my features weren't as spectacular.

I had to get the Word in my heart and renew my mind. I had to tell myself that I was fearfully and wonderfully made. I had to tell myself that God does not make ugly people and I am loved. However, once I started to have children, I noticed that my body began to change. 

Of course, you might say. Well yes, I expected that, but my lifestyle changed. I was a stay at home mom off and on, but I never got back to the level of activity as I had been before kids. Our living situation changed which limited my space for exercise and then the weather of course plays a role as well as time itself. 

Recently, I just had our third child and she just turned one! Having a sit down job for the last 3 1/2 years has not helped my health at all and during pregnancy, made me put on a lot of extra weight....of course people tell me I look good, but I know where I came from. 

When I came back to work last summer, I knew that I was going to have to change some things in order to get back into a more healthy me. I found the 21 day fix and let me tell you, it works! I started the program in the fall of 2016 and continued right through the holidays. 

I lost about 15 pounds and felt great! However, because of time, I stopped after only 1 full round. I gained 5 pounds after I stopped, and now slowly the ounces want to creep back up. 

So, it is time to get back on the horse and ride, figuratively speaking HA! I am planning my meals and working out 30 minutes a day...only 30 minutes! I am looking forward to losing another 15 pounds and then we'll go from there. For 3 weeks, I can manage a work out regiment and change my eating. Just 3 weeks...and of course I have to keep telling myself that once I start ha ha ha. 

I am looking forward to blogging about my progress and if you would like to get involved with me just let me know!! 21 day fix is on!

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