Monday, June 19, 2017

Cars 3 Movie Review

I have been a huge fan of Disney/Pixar since day one. I remember when Toy Story came out. I was in sixth grade and I absolutely fell in love with the toys that came to life when Andy wasn't looking. 

Since then, we have seen some pretty amazing animation come from their studio and most of them I can say, have left me suspended in hopes that they come up with a sequel!!

Cars 3, however, left me a little sad. I am not the best at keeping the most important details secret, so I will do my best. 

The opening of the movie helps us catch up to Lightening McQueen's career since we left him and Mater in Cars 2. All is looking successful and reputable until during one race, a rookie car leaves Lightening in the dust!

We are introduced to a whole line of new technology cars that have the most advanced engineering for the best results on the track. Lightening, however, finds himself alone after watching his old friends be replaced by newer rookies their sponsors decide are better investments, and struggles to hold on to his position as the best racer of his time. 

Sold to a new sponsor, Lightening McQueen is uncertain, but hopeful that his
future will be better than before. As he begins to find his bearings, he is placed under the care of a new, much younger, trainer. She has state-of-the-art equipment that the faster rookies are using to train and this sends Lightening head over heels.

Everything looks exciting and promising until Lightening, and his sponsor, realizes that he just can't keep up. Nothing feels right. In his attempt to keep his sponsor interested in him, he places a deal on the table. He challenges his sponsor to allow him to train the way he wants to and then allow him to race. If Lightening wins, the deal is that he will quit when he wants to, but if he loses, then he agrees to RETIRE!

I could just feel my heart sink....I know right? It's just a cartoon! But this beloved character, I felt, was leaving us for good! He can't give up! He just can't retire!!

Through several adventures, Lightening and his new trainer experience highs and lows in racing, as well as, vulnerability to their pasts and dreams for their futures. In the end, the race's outcome will have to viewed by YOU, since of course there is a twist, but in my opinion, Lightening's luster lost a little of it's glimmer in this film. 

I left with a sense that there would be a fourth movie coming out in the future, but that Lightening will probably take a back seat, no pun intended. Ha ha ha. And I could be wrong, his glory didn't seem to be the same.

Morally, the story was good. You can teach your children about grace, compassion, truth and kindness; never giving up and being confident in who you are. However, there is a bar scene that in my opinion isn't that big of a deal, and a few inappropriate connotations that the kids won't necessarily read, but the adults will get them. Overall, these didn't take away from the movie, and the written connotations were very few in the credits.

In general, I enjoyed the movie, and of course who wouldn't love Mater -- in the few scenes he was in, but it left me disappointed because Lightening takes second fiddle. Yet, I want to see where the story of Lightening McQueen continues to lead. I am holding on to the hope that he returns no matter what his role is. 

The best judges are the kids, and my kids absolutely loved the movie. I will probably end up buying it. The humor was there, we all laughed! And the cuteness factor was definitely stamped throughout. Congratulations Pixar, you have done it again! 

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