Sunday, June 11, 2017

A day of rest

I am always so surprised at how fast Sundays go. From the break of dawn, I am up getting ready for church with my family and then we normally eat out afterwards. Which may lead to an outing or, in my case mostly, cleaning and grocery shopping for the week.

By the time I sit down to breath, it's just about time to go back to bed! Yet, in between all of the day's activity, I try, and am trying to be better at finding, time to delve into my favorite hobbies and relax. Over the course of the blog, I would like to share and discuss with you all our favorite hobbies, as well as, favorite books, tips and stories about gardening, and the fun that we have with our pets! 

Currently, I do not have any pets, but I did, just a little more than a year ago. We raised her from a kitten and she was about 2 years old when we gave her away. Belle was a beauty, but she was also a feisty little thing. The problem came down to our apartment being too small when our third child was born, which led to her living outdoors and because of that, created a flea problem I could not get a hold of and she had claws to boot. Neither of which worked when she came indoors out of the weather.

My son named her, but it wasn't until after she had been with us for a while that I found that her name really fit. She was black all over with a few white hairs here and there, but right in the middle of her chest was a white heart that swayed from side to side when she walked. It literally looked like a bell!

She was our very first family pet, and so even though I knew she had to go, I do miss her every now and then.

I don't currently have a garden right now either, but I have attempted in my many different places of residence. I have one potted plant, but at this time, I am trying to save it's life! It's a Gerber Daisy and I don't think it's getting enough sunlight and I might have watered it too much....the story will continue.

Of course my all time favorite book is the Bible, but as far as fiction and non-fiction go, my picks include books authored by Kenneth E. Hagin, Janette Oke, and other such genres. I think in the future, I will go a little deeper and discuss specific books as well as touch on some fiction and non-fiction written by yours truly!

Now, for hobbies; I LOVE, and I mean absolutely love puzzles! Especially of a Thomas Kincaid painting or something similar or primitively designed. I enjoy the still and quiet atmosphere that it creates while using your mind to decipher where each piece should go. I also enjoy cross-stich, coloring, playing the piano, and baking.

What are your favorite hobbies?

Are you reading anything? And if so, what? 

Do you have a garden? What are you growing?

How many pets do you have? What are their names?

Share your story down below!!

I encourage you to take some time for YOU. Whether it's either of the things that I mentioned above, or something else, Sunday's are a great day to pull aside and smell the roses......

Have a beautiful Sunday!

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