Tomorrow; the Bible has a lot to say about it. In Proverbs 27:1 says "Don’t brag about tomorrow, since you don’t know what the day will bring." In James 4 it talks about tomorrow being like a fog that is for a little while and then it's gone. Jesus even spoke about not worrying about tomorrow because tomorrow will have enough trouble to think about.
Satan has many tricks up his sleeve to try to keep believers from fully stepping into the divine nature that God designed for us to live out. Worry is one of them. It paralyzes us in fear of what tomorrow might bring. Apathy is another. It says, "ah, there's no hurry. I'll just take care of that tomorrow."
Friend, today is the day of salvation! 2 Corinthians 6:2. Today is the day that the Lord has made. Psalm 118:24. Even Moses said in Psalm 90:12 "So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
What we need to realize is that we are only promised 120 years. You might so whoa! That's forever! But in the eyes of God, it's nothing. Moses saw that we need to cultivate a attitude of efficiency. Doing much with little. Wisdom to use our years, days, hours, and minutes for good, for advancement, for His glory.
The days that God gives us should not be something that we take lightly. They will never be returned to us and He has given us a responsibility to meet. To work hard with our hands, to love our families, to preach the Gospel, to take care of ourselves, and to worship Him in everything that we do.
I pray that as you read this today, your heart is stirred to SEIZE THIS DAY. Whatever you have planned for the day, bring to Jesus. Ask Him for wisdom on how you can use this day to honor Him. Ask Him for wisdom on how to do you job better or how He wants to use you. Spend time praying for those around you.
In whatever you do, know that you are here on purpose and for a purpose. Don't listen to the lie that says you don't matter and what you do doesn't matter. If change is needed, seek the Lord. But remember, that we will be held accountable for what we do with our time here on earth, and everything that we sow will reap a harvest. This time is precious and we need to be constantly eternally minded.
Be encouraged today. What you do matters. And what you speak creates atmosphere. Let's yield ourselves to Jesus so that our existence here on earth moves heaven to impact generations to come.
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